Saturday, January 17, 2009

Need to Get a Life

I am in my normal winter funk. I go through this funk every so often. I want to get a life outside the four walls of my house and barn. Staying at home with my kids has been a blessing and a curse. I wanted to stay home with my kids even before I had them and luckily, through most of the time I have been. It's not enough for me right now. There's enough work involved and granted, I care for 30 or so assorted animals that regularly need attention on top of running kids to this and that and taking care of the normal trappings of a household, but I am still feeling my funk.
My dear husband doesn't understand. I don't have to jump up and go to work or deal with stupid people regularly, but I am still unhappy.
I keep feeling like I want to go to college and become something besides a mom and wife. I have thought about nursing and have taken a couple of classes over the years, but guilt prevents me from investing anymore time or money into it.
Guilt is such a nasty emotion.
I also feel selfish, spending the money and time and knowing that there are women out there who would love nothing more than to stay home forever with their children. I have done it for the better part of 10 years, now. I always promised when I had children, I wouldn't be like my mom. She said many times that she just worked because she didn't want to stay home with us, I think in the back of my mind, I am afraid that wanting more than staying home makes me just like her. She taught me to be a victim of circumstance and how not to do something about situations. I love her and I don't blame her for my difficulties in life, I am an adult and control what I do. I just have to learn how to change things for myself. If anyone has any advice on this, I would love to hear it.

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